Good dressup... I dont like dressups.
But I liked this one. Mostly because it wasnt like a dressup for like a circle or anything gay. Good graphics.
To the last dude: You can take her bra and thong off. ^_^
Good dressup... I dont like dressups.
But I liked this one. Mostly because it wasnt like a dressup for like a circle or anything gay. Good graphics.
To the last dude: You can take her bra and thong off. ^_^
1)Thx for your support
2)Nice noticing you CAN take off bra and thong =P
3)Better one coming later =D
Allright. Good game.
Well made, a little stupid sometimes though. Sometimes I shot, and it went right through the ship. Other times i shot, the bullets were invisible and I saw ships exploding randomly. Other times when a ship exploded, the very edge of the explosion would touch my ship and i would burst into a flaming ball of fire and metal. which actually was good, because it made it tough. Yet it was also bad, because it was quite unrealistic.
^_^ The shake dressup dude!
Dude friggan genius.
7/10 because you have the best dressup style evar.
wow thx u really think so ?
I dont like dressup games... -_-
But i liked this one :)
You are a pretty good artist...
I thought it was original. Never seen a shake before.
Nice job.
5/5 for protection.
My favorite accessorie.. (sp.?) was the guitar. nice touch.
THX For THe 5 MAn !!
Wow - very good
If this wasnt so repetative it would be fantastic!!!! FANTASTIC!!!!!! Ahem. I finished with a score of 81. Thank you.
This is a truly good flash. Not the best ive seen, could have better graphics, but still. Pretty good. Very interactive, almost overinteractive but w/e, the more the better. Nice Job.
This will get blammed.
Probably. I dont want it to... its cool. Creepy as hell... but cool. I am sorry to say i dont think this will still be here in 20 mins. So dont be too sad if you dont see it.
I was gonna tell u it sucked.
But I noticed that I rated 2 10's a 9 and an 8, so I decided I thought it kicked ass. =D
Nice work... corny ending. Not too bad!!
this is great
but ive seen WAY too many stickdeaths... and that fucking laugh was irritating my skull lol
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